The Realization Process

Photo by Jim Cagle, artist and teacher.

Embodied Awakening

“a series of gentle yet immensely powerful practices for directly realizing our fundamental, non-dual dimension of consciousness. This dimension is the basis of both our individual wholeness and our spiritual unity with all life.”

The Realization Process® is a direct path to embodied nondual awakening developed by Dr. Judith Blackstone.

“When we deepen our perspective from the periphery of ourselves to the innermost core of our being, we enter into fundamental consciousness. We come into unmistakable contact with the luminous, unchanging essence that pervades all forms in nature.

- Judith Blackstone Founder of The Realization Process

Fundamental Consciousness:

“Opening into fundamental consciousness is a foundational aspect of the Realization Process. Fundamental consciousness is the unconstructed, unified ground of our being.  It appears spontaneously as we deepen and refine our contact with ourselves. It is experienced (or experiences itself) as luminous transparency and stillness.” 

Refining the Senses:

“The work also awakens the subtle channels of the body, develops, and refines the breath/energy system, refines the senses so that you can see, hear, and touch on a subtler level and integrates presence and emptiness.”

Letting Go Your Habitual Grip:

“The practices prepare you to let go of your habitual grip on yourself throughout your whole body and being, so that fundamental consciousness can spontaneously emerge and stabilize. All the movement of life our thoughts, emotions, sensations and perceptions flow through the stillness of fundamental consciousness without altering it.”.

Releasing Holding Patterns (Healing Ground):

“The Realization Process also includes a unique embodied approach to psychological and relational healing by applying fundamental consciousness to the release of psychological holding patterns.”

My Experience with The Realization Process